Personal horoscopes
for all life spheres from
competent astrologers!
Get insights from stars to make better life decisions!
Astrological horoscopes and forecasts from Zodiac Lab are:
they are based on your natal chart.
they contain recommendations specifically for you.
Effortless to understand
they are written in simple words and contain explanations of astrological terms.
The zodiac elements:
Passionate & Enthusiastic
Adventure Seeking
Sensually oriented
Patient & practical
Stability seeking Taurus
Intellectually oriented
Social & objective
Knowledge seeking
Emotionally oriented
Intuitive & emotional
Cancer Scorpio Pisces
Professional astrology services
Solar Charts
Solar Charts
Learn the prediction for the next twelve months, calculated based on the exact time, date, and place.
Natal Charts
Natal Charts
Get a snapshot of the sky with the main celestial bodies when you were born and find powerful insights about the energies you were exposed to. The natal chart explains your personality, fears, powers, parenting and parental relationships, children, psychological patterns, and much more. It is a powerful tool for discovering yourself.
Compatibility Charts and Horoscope
Compatibility Charts and Horoscope
Get the accurate compatibility chart or horoscope and learn how to build strong relationships, improve the family atmosphere, make friends, and choose the one with whom you will get along romantically and sexually well.
Personal Horoscope
Personal Horoscope
Discover yourself, and get your personality explained. Enjoy the prediction of significant or even life-changing events!
Monthly Forecasts
Monthly Forecasts
Get the prediction of the events for the months. The forecast will also contain accurate physical and mental health recommendations, behaviour, and relationships.
Year Forecast
Year Forecast
Get an accurate prediction of the events for the year. Learn when you will succeed, high and low energy periods, successful months for business, vacation, romance, family, and health improvement.
Business Horoscope
Business Horoscope
Get insights from stars into your business opportunities, check your business ideas, analyse your business and get practical recommendations to optimise and find growth points!
Partner Compatibility
Partner Compatibility
Partners can make or break your business. Zodiac signs have long been proven to determine a person's character. Check your partners and decide whether or not you should cooperate with this person.
Astrological SWOT Analysis
Astrological SWOT Analysis
Astrological SWOT analysis reveals your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that are conditioned by stars, Zodiac signs, the Sun and the Moon, other celestial objects, and their location in the sky at the moment of your birth. A Natal chart is included!
Professional astrology services
Solar Charts
Learn the prediction for the next twelve months, calculated based on the exact time, date, and place.
Natal Charts
Get a snapshot of the sky with the main celestial bodies when you were born and find powerful insights about the energies you were exposed to. The natal chart explains your personality, fears, powers, parenting and parental relationships, children, psychological patterns, and much more. It is a powerful tool for discovering yourself.
Compatibility Charts and Horoscope
Get the accurate compatibility chart or horoscope and learn how to build strong relationships, improve the family atmosphere, make friends, and choose the one with whom you will get along romantically and sexually well.
Personal Horoscope
Discover yourself, and get your personality explained. Enjoy the prediction of significant or even life-changing events!
Monthly Forecasts
Get the prediction of the events for the months. The forecast will also contain accurate physical and mental health recommendations, behaviour, and relationships.
Year Forecast
Get the prediction of the events for the months. The forecast will also contain accurate physical and mental health recommendations, behaviour, and relationships.
Business Horoscope
Get insights from stars into your business opportunities, check your business ideas, analyse your business and get practical recommendations to optimise and find growth points!
Partner Compatibility
Partners can make or break your business. As in everyday life, we get along with some people better. Certain Zodiac signs have long been proven to bestow people with specific character traits. Check your prospects and existing partners, and find out how to maximise profit from such cooperation or whether you should partner with this person or not.
Astrological SWOT Analysis
Astrological SWOT analysis reveals your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that are conditioned by stars, Zodiac signs, the Sun and the Moon, other celestial objects, and their location in the sky at the moment of your birth. A Natal chart is included!
“I don’t believe in astrology; I am a Sagittarius, and we’re sceptical.”
© Arthur C. Clarke
Astrology is not magic. It is powerful knowledge representing the science of predicting life events by analysing celestial bodies’ positions at a particular moment — the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the fixed stars. This analysis allows astrologers to predict and affect people’s destinies wisely. Astrology provides insights into all life spheres.
Astrology can help you understand what you do and why you do this in such a way. The prediction will also tell you how to activate your best aspects for self-improvement.
Astrology does not provide exact answers as “Yes” or “No” to life-meaning questions; it’s not a Magic 8 Ball. However, it explains your deeds. You can turn to astrology when you doubt specific issues in your life. Thus, the astrological explanation will help you better understand yourself and upcoming events.
Our team of astrologers and psychologists uses precise celestial data, software, and generational wisdom to draw accurate charts and exact snapshots of the positions of celestial bodies at the moment you were born.
These charts show what energies influence you and your life. Astrologers get insights into your personality and life by analysing the positions of the Sun, the Moon, and the planets relative to your natal chart. Zodiac Lab experts also interpret ready charts and compose explanations and recommendations for you.
Find out how astrology can change your life for the better!
Astrology for business
Have you ever wondered why some businesses hack success and others can not make a profit? Consciously or not, successful businesses are done at the right place, at the right moment, and with the right people. Astrology will help you!
Zodiac Lab astrologers have coached and guided many business tycoons. In their predictions, they combine a robust astrological vision with solid business principles to help customers achieve their goals. Zodiac Lab consults businesses to improve, innovate and grow. Invite a business astrologer to your team to maximise success and inform every decision.
How astrology can help your business:
- Advise branding and identity changes to fill each business sign with positive energy translated to the target audience.
- Improve business approach.
- Check partners for compatibility.
- Secure cash flows.
The key to business success
Knowing the momentum.
Astrology can predict the momentum of success in advance if a specific action is taken. It provides you confidence in what you do — realising the highest chances for success helps to make the boldest decisions and gain profit. The certainty of an action is what the Zodiac Lab team delivers. It is a way to gain momentum. Unveil more business potential and take appropriate steps.
Zodiac Lab is your guide to an intelligent business decision. The professional team of astrologers will help brands and businesses formulate growth and success factors.
Our best offers:
Zodiac gemstone chart:
Cat’s Eye
Yellow Sapphire
Blue Sapphire
Cat’s Eye
Yellow Sapphire
Blue Sapphire
Our top Zodiac Lab astrologers:
Natal chart experts:
Natal chart experts make birth charts, analyse the positions of celestial objects, signs, and other elements, and interpret the chart. You get a complex personality analysis, including your powers, weaknesses, drivers, and potential.
Personal and financial
horoscope experts:
These astrologers are focused on practices of financial and personal forecasting. They combine techniques of celestial analysis and psychological methods to provide an accurate person’s portrait and prediction of future events in career, business, and financial stability.
Numerologists explore numbers beyond their numerical value and their influence on personality and events. The expert discovers all the numbers affecting your life.
Compatibility horoscope
Astrologers analyse the compatibility of people. The compatibility chart shows how people interact and communicate, how comfortable they are with each other, and what can improve their union. The expert provides an in-depth analysis of two people and the forecast of their relationships.
Vedic astrologers:
Vedic experts explore a person’s karma by analysing the positions of stars and planets with consideration of the possible precession and the updated ecliptic pass. You get a more accurate and deep astrological forecast.
Psychologists use the report of an astrologer, the interpretation of a natal chart and horoscopes, and then apply psychological techniques and methods of analysis to make recommendations more applicable to life.
Natal chart experts:
Natal chart experts make birth charts, analyse the positions of celestial objects, signs, and other elements, and interpret the chart. You get a complex personality analysis, including your powers, weaknesses, drivers, and potential.
Personal and financial horoscope experts:
These astrologers are focused on practices of financial and personal forecasting. They combine techniques of celestial analysis and psychological methods to provide an accurate person’s portrait and prediction of future events in career, business, and financial stability.
Numerologists explore numbers beyond their numerical value and their influence on personality and events. The expert discovers all the numbers affecting your life.
Compatibility horoscope experts:
Astrologers analyse the compatibility of people. The compatibility chart shows how people interact and communicate, how comfortable they are with each other, and what can improve their union. The expert provides an in-depth analysis of two people and the forecast of their relationships.
Vedic astrologers:
Vedic experts explore a person’s karma by analysing the positions of stars and planets with consideration of the possible precession and the updated ecliptic pass. You get a more accurate and deep astrological forecast.
Psychologists use the report of an astrologer, the interpretation of a natal chart and horoscopes, and then apply psychological techniques and methods of analysis to make recommendations more applicable to life.
Why people love Zodiac Lab:
I am impressed by how accurate my horoscope from the Zodiac Lab team is. The interpretation helped me to discover why I am unhappy with my job and friends. Now I am making life-changing decisions considering the recommendations of astrologers. And you know what? I feel much better in my life now!
It is an excellent and fast service at a reasonable price. I got answers to all questions that bothered me. I have been rather sceptical about astrology, but after I read my report, I was impressed by how exactly the astrologers of Zodiac Lab know me! Now I want to order my marriage prediction!
I love psychology and understanding people. But psychology works when you get to know a person. I turned to astrology to learn better about the people around me. The compatibility charts from Zodiac Lab help me very much. If I meet a new person, I order a chart and quickly determine whether I will feel comfortable with my new mate.
I had never tried astrology and horoscopes, but when I got a new job proposal that required moving to another country, I ordered my personal and career horoscope. Though the astrologers did not answer exactly YES or NO, the report showed me that this new opportunity would be best for me. The report described the job features which are best for me and which ones suppress me. Thanks!
Great guys, rapid service, and nice report. We experienced long-lasting misunderstandings with my wife and moved toward divorce. I tried the compatibility report as a last resort. I wondered if our psychological pictures were accurate. I discovered many insights and what I had done wrong with my wife. We learned how to ignite our best powers for happiness. I doubt that any traditional psychologist could help us so much!