Astrology for Business

Astrological business forecasts from Zodiac Lab.

Get a bulletproof strategy to achieve your business goals.

Zodiac Lab astrologers have coached and guided many business tycoons. In their predictions, they combine a robust astrological vision with solid business principles to help customers achieve their goals. The astrologers of Zodiac Lab consult businesses to improve, innovate and grow. Invite a business astrologer to your team to maximise success and inform every decision.

Business astrology helps to answer the following questions:

Zodiac Lab astrologers will:

Help to discover new business opportunities considering celestial energy.

Improve team performance with the help of astrological compatibility analysis.

Drive results due to timely action in the most successful period.

The astrological analysis will improve the following business aspects:

Team performance — learn how to improve team performance and the atmosphere in the company.

Branding and brand building — get star insights on the best identity that attracts powerful positive energies and improves end customers' experience.

Business process optimisation — learn what workflows can be improved.

Business growth — get the astrological analysis of current market trends and advice on how to hack the growth.

Business analysis — get astrological SWOT analysis and recommendations on how to transform the business for to better.

Business transformation — revise business standards and choose the right areas of improvement.

Policy development — build a firm policy guiding the business to success.

Profitability — learn under which conditions your business can attract more cash and succeed.

How Zodiac Lab astrologers work:

Brand or Business analysis —

SWOT, market, trends, and competitors.

Powers and energies analysis of brand formation —

name, logo, slogan, colours, typography, and signs the business uses in its operation and marketing.

Cash flow potential —

the astrologers analyse the timeframe of potential income for more secure strategic planning. It helps to launch products and services in the most successful moment to generate ultimate income growth.

Price analysis and suggestions —

the analysis considers fundamental business principles and astrological signs to help form the best price to generate income.

Owner mindset —

mindset is the key to success. The astrological analysis will help to set positive thinking, relieve anxiety, and improve physical condition.

Business strategy —

the team develops or revises the business strategy and plan using astrological insights and knowledge. The analysis allows for wiser planning or marketing, partnership, products and services, optimisation, sales funnels, and acquisition.

Impulse of action —

Zodiac Lab helps businesses optimise and act. The analysis is not a theory document that is hard to implement. It is a step-by-step guide to maximise business workflows to attract positive energies and gain momentum.

Business support —

the team provides all necessary support for the business to improve. It includes consultations, cash flow analysis forecasts for a particular case, compatibility analysis, partner and employee checks, and other services.

Brand or Business
analysis —

SWOT, market, trends, and competitors.

Powers and energies analysis of brand formation —

name, logo, slogan, colours, typography, and signs the business uses in its operation and marketing.

Cash flow potential —

the astrologers analyse the timeframe of potential income for more secure strategic planning. It helps to launch products and services in the most successful moment to generate ultimate income growth.

Price analysis and suggestions —

the analysis considers fundamental business principles and astrological signs to help form the best price to generate income.

Owner mindset —

mindset is the key to success. The astrological analysis will help to set positive thinking, relieve anxiety, and improve physical condition.

Business strategy —

the team develops or revises the business strategy and plan using astrological insights and knowledge. The analysis allows for wiser planning or marketing, partnership, products and services, optimisation, sales funnels, and acquisition.

Impulse of action —

Zodiac Lab helps businesses optimise and act. The analysis is not a theory document that is hard to implement. It is a step-by-step guide to maximise business workflows to attract positive energies and gain momentum.

Business support —

the team provides all necessary support for the business to improve. It includes consultations, cash flow analysis forecasts for a particular case, compatibility analysis, partner and employee checks, and other services.

Before making any astrological forecast Zodiac Lab gathers all necessary information: the date of launch, the field of operation, the place of operation, and the place of business origin. The business analysis also includes such aspects as:

To make an astrological forecast for business, the experts need to analyse the main business personas: owner, executives, managers, and the team. Also, the business gets its natal chart, and then the market, business, and personas analyses are overlapped. This report then serves as the basis for further forecasts.

The analysis can reveal and predict:

Such an analysis is necessary for any further forecast as it provides essential solar and celestial data about all entities engaged in the business.

Such an analysis is necessary for any further forecast as it provides essential solar and celestial data about all entities engaged in the business.

Traditional SWOT analysis reveals strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is a valuable source of insights into the troubles in business and the possible solutions with natural opportunities and strengths. Astrological SWOT analysis considers solar, celestial, and planet energies, conditioning strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. These advantages and faults can be intuitively sensed but can not be explained traditionally.

The astrologers will explain why the business develops in a specific way, what resources condition the results, and what transformation is needed for the business to succeed.

The success of business and people in business depends on the planets, stars, Zodiac signs, Sun, Moon, and other objects passing the houses of the natal charts. Considering the solar and celestial influence, you can make smarter decisions. Such an analysis will explain the conditions and necessary circumstances for the success of every decision

With astrological support, you will know the following:

The astrological SWOT analysis will inform what leverages will help to achieve the goals and when the business will take the next successful twitch.

Zodiac Lab also presents a GAP analysis that shows the real-life performance of the company and its potential success. The GAP analysis hints at the practical steps needed in business to succeed. Sometimes it can be personnel reshuffling or business course revision.

Get your business SWOT analysis from professional astrologers now.

Business is not about money; it is about people. Personnel is a crucial driver of any business because the people in the company are responsible for every decision, product, and service. The business owner decides on investments and development strategy, the executives of various departments decide on the business policy, and the employees are responsible for the quality of every single business process, the operation of equipment, and the result.

People are at the core of the business. That is why knowing their celestial power is the key to business success. Any person is analysed via a natal chart. It reflects an imprint of the sky when a person is born. The natal chart fixes the position of stars, planets, the Sun and the Moon, and other celestial objects at the moment of birth. The energies of celestial bodies exert tremendous influence on a person for the rest of their life. Knowing these energies allows one to manage them and turn them in one’s favour.

Astrologic team analysis and compatibility explore the natal charts of every team member and reveal the best and the worst connections. The report will inform the most effective personnel reshuffle to maximise the efficacy of cooperation.

The report answers the top questions of business:

It comes out that people communicate and get along with each other differently. The compatibility analysis will show what team members will complement each other, and tighter cooperation will drive better results and what team players should be distanced.

With astrology forecast and analysis, the business will get an image of an ideal employee with a specific set of character traits. People of certain Zodiac signs fit a business better than others. Having this data at your disposal will enable smarter HR decisions.

Order the team analysis and compatibility report now.

Success mostly depends on the right people assisting in doing business. Partners work together, share the same business vision, move towards the same goals, and expect to get the same results. However, the means of achieving set goals are different. Astrological compatibility check ensures the following:

The compatibility report for business partners will also allow for better duties distribution. Some Zodiac signs better manage financial issues; others better manage employees. With astrological advice, business gets better management and avoids risks.

You can check existing and prospective business partners to secure the business and its assets. An astrological compatibility check is recommended for every new person invited to join the business.

How business partners compatibility works:

01 Astrologers create natal charts for a business owner and each partner.
02 The charts are compared, and the compatibility is checked considering the business aspects.
03 The business partner compatibility report contains the description of each partner, the partnership forecast, and recommendations for getting the maximum from the existing unions.

Does astrological incompatibility mean that partnership is impossible?

Astrological incompatibility predicts that such a partnership requires more effort and engagement. If a prospect or an existing partner turns incompatible, you can still do business together. The report will warn you of the possible risks of such a partnership. Being informed may prevent you from making wrong decisions.

Get your business partner compatibility report from professional astrologers of Zodiac Lab.

Timeframe analysis predicts the momentum of business or career success. Astrologers analyse the positions and energies of celestial objects and their trajectories of movement and foresee the periods when success is most likely. Also, they predict the down periods when it is better to avoid any serious undertakings.

The timeframe analysis applies to your career, team, business, and partnership. It informs about probable success and failure and predicts the most favourable time.

You can better plan your career, finances, and business by being informed. As an employee, you can also avoid refusals. Plan and claim promotion in the most successful moment. Find new partners, explore new business possibilities, sign new contracts, and launch services and products at the most favourable time. Take a confident approach towards strategising: from budgeting to execution. With this data in mind, the business owner can better utilise resources, plan various solutions, and allocate resources for business development, marketing, advertising, human resources, etc.

Order your astrological timeframe analysis now.

Create a strong brand identity for growth and success, as it affects the perception of the brand by the target audience. It builds connections between the brand, market, customers, and partners. The choice of brand symbology also influences the celestial energies attracted to the business. Colours, shapes, sizes, fonts, and lines are crucial in brand building, though in most cases, they are overlooked.

Proper symbology reflects what the business stands for, the core values and mission, and goals.

Traditional identity development suggests designers create the primary symbols, and the business management approves the solution. However, let the identity get true celestial power. Let astrologers review your business or brand and recommend changes to the brand symbology to boost the chances for success.

On implementing the changes recommended by astrologers, the business will get the following benefits:

Order brand identity analysis now.

Cash flow analysis is an astrological financial prediction of when a business can prosper. The report also contains data on the cash flow sources and how to maximise their use. The report indicates the points of cash flow growth and how to ensure consistency,

The analysis shows where the money comes into the business and where they come out. A business may not need additional investments but to optimise existing capital to maximise success.


Unlike traditional cash flow analysis, the astrological report explains why some cash flow patterns are typical for the business and what needs changing to break the pattern.

The cash flow analysis ensures the following:

Order your cash flow analysis now.

The importance of astrological marketing analysis is immense. It helps to understand where the business is, where it heads, why, and how it operates in the market. The report will also indicate the chances for success under a chosen strategy and helps to evaluate and re-evaluate business strategies for maximising profit.

It is time to use the power and wisdom of astrology to tap into opportunities that better align with your skills and character. Such an analysis brings more clarity about your career and business opportunities. The in-depth astrological knowledge combined with years of practical business experience results in valuable predictions and strategising.

Why Astrology Matters for Marketing

Celestial bodies influence everything happening on Earth. We do not physically feel the powers and energies, but they condition our decisions, actions, emotions, circumstances, and many more factors. The sky landscape changes every 4 minutes. However, the trajectory of the movement of the main celestial objects is known and predictable. Thus astrologers can consider the factors that are unknown to traditional marketers.


The market is affected not only by internal factors. It depends on external factors such as natural disasters or political decisions of some countries. Astrologers can not know what will happen, but the predicted sky landscape pattern provides insights into possible risks, opportunities, and circumstances.


Get the marketing report for a business or brand to explore the opportunities in a wiser way using astrological knowledge. Astrological marketing analysis includes the following:

Order the marketing report now.

Business Analysis + Management

Before making any astrological forecast Zodiac Lab gathers all necessary information: the date of launch, the field of operation, the place of operation, and the place of business origin. The business analysis also includes such aspects as:

To make an astrological forecast for business, the experts need to analyse the main business personas: owner, executives, managers, and the team. Also, the business gets its natal chart, and then the market, business, and personas analyses are overlapped. This report then serves as the basis for further forecasts.

The analysis can reveal and predict:

Typical problems do not have traditional solutions.

The non-obvious solutions to the issues will ensure results.

Opportunities for business growth.

Non-obvious risks.

The ways to outcompete key rivals.

And many others.

Such an analysis is necessary for any further forecast as it provides essential solar and celestial data about all entities engaged in the business.

Astrological SWOT Analysis

Traditional SWOT analysis reveals strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is a valuable source of insights into the troubles in business and the possible solutions with natural opportunities and strengths. Astrological SWOT analysis considers solar, celestial, and planet energies, conditioning strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. These advantages and faults can be intuitively sensed but can not be explained traditionally.

The astrologers will explain why the business develops in a specific way, what resources condition the results, and what transformation is needed for the business to succeed.

The success of business and people in business depends on the planets, stars, Zodiac signs, Sun, Moon, and other objects passing the houses of the natal charts. Considering the solar and celestial influence, you can make smarter decisions. Such an analysis will explain the conditions and necessary circumstances for the success of every decision

With astrological support, you will know the following:

The astrological SWOT analysis will inform what leverages will help to achieve the goals and when the business will take the next successful twitch.

Zodiac Lab also presents a GAP analysis that shows the real-life performance of the company and its potential success. The GAP analysis hints at the practical steps needed in business to succeed. Sometimes it can be personnel reshuffling or business course revision.

Get your business SWOT analysis from professional astrologers now.

Team Analysis and Compatibility

Business is not about money; it is about people. Personnel is a crucial driver of any business because the people in the company are responsible for every decision, product, and service. The business owner decides on investments and development strategy, the executives of various departments decide on the business policy, and the employees are responsible for the quality of every single business process, the operation of equipment, and the result.

People are at the core of the business. That is why knowing their celestial power is the key to business success. Any person is analysed via a natal chart. It reflects an imprint of the sky when a person is born. The natal chart fixes the position of stars, planets, the Sun and the Moon, and other celestial objects at the moment of birth. The energies of celestial bodies exert tremendous influence on a person for the rest of their life. Knowing these energies allows one to manage them and turn them in one’s favour.

Astrologic team analysis and compatibility explore the natal charts of every team member and reveal the best and the worst connections. The report will inform the most effective personnel reshuffle to maximise the efficacy of cooperation.

The report answers the top questions of business:

It comes out that people communicate and get along with each other differently. The compatibility analysis will show what team members will complement each other, and tighter cooperation will drive better results and what team players should be distanced.

With astrology forecast and analysis, the business will get an image of an ideal employee with a specific set of character traits. People of certain Zodiac signs fit a business better than others. Having this data at your disposal will enable smarter HR decisions.

Order the team analysis and compatibility report now.

Partner Analysis and Compatibility

Success mostly depends on the right people assisting in doing business. Partners work together, share the same business vision, move towards the same goals, and expect to get the same results. However, the means of achieving set goals are different. Astrological compatibility check ensures the following:

The compatibility report for business partners will also allow for better duties distribution. Some Zodiac signs better manage financial issues; others better manage employees. With astrological advice, business gets better management and avoids risks.

You can check existing and prospective business partners to secure the business and its assets. An astrological compatibility check is recommended for every new person invited to join the business.

How business partners compatibility works:

01 Astrologers create natal charts for a business owner and each partner.

02 The charts are compared, and the compatibility is checked considering the business aspects.

03 The business partner compatibility report contains the description of each partner, the partnership forecast, and recommendations for getting the maximum from the existing unions.

Does astrological incompatibility mean that partnership is impossible?

Astrological incompatibility predicts that such a partnership requires more effort and engagement. If a prospect or an existing partner turns incompatible, you can still do business together. The report will warn you of the possible risks of such a partnership. Being informed may prevent you from making wrong decisions.

Get your business partner compatibility report from professional astrologers of Zodiac Lab.

Timeframe Analysis

Timeframe analysis predicts the momentum of business or career success. Astrologers analyse the positions and energies of celestial objects and their trajectories of movement and foresee the periods when success is most likely. Also, they predict the down periods when it is better to avoid any serious undertakings.

The timeframe analysis applies to your career, team, business, and partnership. It informs about probable success and failure and predicts the most favourable time.

You can better plan your career, finances, and business by being informed. As an employee, you can also avoid refusals. Plan and claim promotion in the most successful moment. Find new partners, explore new business possibilities, sign new contracts, and launch services and products at the most favourable time. Take a confident approach towards strategising: from budgeting to execution. With this data in mind, the business owner can better utilise resources, plan various solutions, and allocate resources for business development, marketing, advertising, human resources, etc.

Order your astrological timeframe analysis now.

Brand Identity Analysis

Create a strong brand identity for growth and success, as it affects the perception of the brand by the target audience. It builds connections between the brand, market, customers, and partners. The choice of brand symbology also influences the celestial energies attracted to the business. Colours, shapes, sizes, fonts, and lines are crucial in brand building, though in most cases, they are overlooked.

Proper symbology reflects what the business stands for, the core values and mission, and goals.

Traditional identity development suggests designers create the primary symbols, and the business management approves the solution. However, let the identity get true celestial power. Let astrologers review your business or brand and recommend changes to the brand symbology to boost the chances for success.

On implementing the changes recommended by astrologers, the business will get the following benefits:

Order brand identity analysis now.

Cash Flow Analysis

Cash flow analysis is an astrological financial prediction of when a business can prosper. The report also contains data on the cash flow sources and how to maximise their use. The report indicates the points of cash flow growth and how to ensure consistency,

The analysis shows where the money comes into the business and where they come out. A business may not need additional investments but to optimise existing capital to maximise success.

Unlike traditional cash flow analysis, the astrological report explains why some cash flow patterns are typical for the business and what needs changing to break the pattern.

The cash flow analysis ensures the following:

Order brand identity analysis now.

Marketing Analysis

The importance of astrological marketing analysis is immense. It helps to understand where the business is, where it heads, why, and how it operates in the market. The report will also indicate the chances for success under a chosen strategy and helps to evaluate and re-evaluate business strategies for maximising profit.

It is time to use the power and wisdom of astrology to tap into opportunities that better align with your skills and character. Such an analysis brings more clarity about your career and business opportunities. The in-depth astrological knowledge combined with years of practical business experience results in valuable predictions and strategising.

Why Astrology Matters for Marketing

Celestial bodies influence everything happening on Earth. We do not physically feel the powers and energies, but they condition our decisions, actions, emotions, circumstances, and many more factors. The sky landscape changes every 4 minutes. However, the trajectory of the movement of the main celestial objects is known and predictable. Thus astrologers can consider the factors that are unknown to traditional marketers.

The market is affected not only by internal factors. It depends on external factors such as natural disasters or political decisions of some countries. Astrologers can not know what will happen, but the predicted sky landscape pattern provides insights into possible risks, opportunities, and circumstances.

Get the marketing report for a business or brand to explore the opportunities in a wiser way using astrological knowledge. Astrological marketing analysis includes the following:

Order the marketing report now.

Ready Made Business Astrology Plans

Business Launch

Price: individual


Partnership Package

Price: individual


Business Optimisation Package

Price: individual


Business Reloaded Package

Price: individual


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