Accurate predictions for every zodiac sign for 2024 from professional astrologers.

Zodiac Lab complete 2023 horoscope for every Zodiac sign

Get your personal 2024 predictions from professional astrologists.

Many of us look at 2024 with the hope of positive changes. The new year will bring many changes in people’s lives. Mercury will have a crucial impact on every aspect of our lives as it will retrograde four times instead of the usual three times. The year expects two lunar and two solar eclipses. For many zodiac signs, 2024 brings something great!

What is new for you in 2024?

Scroll down the page and find a 2024 horoscope for your sign!


Horoscope 2023


The new year brings opportunities in love relations and career spheres to Aries. The beginning
of the year is the best time for a career breakthrough, while the second part is favourable for building new love affairs.

Personal relationships.
For Aries, who already have relationships, the 2023 year will bring more harmony. For single Aries, this year will bring their soulmate. The best month to start new relationships is September.
Aries will face many career challenges, and only those who can control their emotions will be able to cope well. The fire element in your nature adds obstacles to your career, especially this winter. From January to May, the lucky planet Jupiter will rule the sign of Aries, bringing new career and social growth opportunities.
Health, body, and emotions.
This year will not bring troubles with your body and soul except for late fall. We recommend paying attention to your emotional side, as overloading yourself can disbalance your body and mind. Use late autumn for recovery and journey.

Horoscope 2023


For Taurus, the year is about career, business, and money. The stars and planets will help you get the most out of 2023. You will succeed in anything
you start.

Personal relationships. The beginning of the year will bring harmony, understanding, and soul comfort to your relationships with loved ones. In January, the Sun, Moon, and Mercury will get a favourable position for your zodiac sign. They will bring balance to your body and soul and improve the circumstances to work for you!

The most successful time for career undertakings and business is from June till the end of the year. Through this period, you can get a career promotion, start a business that will get successful, and improve your social status. Jupiter will transit through your sign in this period and will support you. For more star insights, get your financial horoscope!


Taurus should be cautious with money and business matters in November. It is better to postpone any decisions for December. The stellar weather this month should improve the situation in your favour.

Health, body, and emotions.
Health, body, and emotions. Taurus should use the first part of the year for body strengthening. You will not be bothered by any illnesses, so you should take advantage of the time and strengthen your body. In June, you can face emotional imbalance and a lack of energy. We recommend resting physically and mentally more during the summertime of 2023.

Horoscope 2023


2023 will become a turning point for Gemini sign in career and money aspects. Putting extra effort into your career or business development will bring additional profit. But in terms of love, the year does not bring anything new to you. Stability in personal relations provides you with spare time for career development.

Personal relationships.
2023 will be a stable period in all aspects of personal relationships for Gemini (loved ones, family, and friends). Problems in relations can occur in March and December. Your partner will need more attention from you. Gemini will need to look for a compromise to preserve the relationship. Standing on one’s will disbalance the relationships, resulting in personal troubles in 2024.

For single Gemini, we recommend that you order a love horoscope to find out the best period of 2023 for starting new relations and to know where to find love.
For Gemini, the year opens new opportunities and challenges in the profession. It is the perfect time to make radical decisions and change something. February, June, and October are the best months for new startups. All other months you will have enough energy and stamina to cope with new exciting challenges.
Health, body, and emotions.
2023 will be a good year for the health of Gemini. You will feel good and will not face any severe illnesses. However, by the end of the year, you will feel exhausted. We recommend planning a vacation or spending more time with close people.

Horoscope 2023


The year 2023 will be very productive for Cancer. You will feel energy, confidence, and luck in all affairs. The beginning of the year will bring many positive changes and be very active. The summer will be full of love adventures. And the fall will be the most favourable time for making money.

Personal relationships.
Personal relationships. In June, Venus comes to your sign. It is the planet of love. So summer will become the best time to meet your loved one or refresh the relationships. July is a good month for romance: you can face new romantic occasions or bring romance to existing relationships.
The beginning of the year is ruled by the disharmony between the main stellar objects: the Sun, Mercury, Pluto, and Venus. The stars will bring emotional disbalance. But if you manage to control it, you will pass the period easily. Moreover, overcoming challenges will have positive results for your career or business.

From June, Cancer will face a fortunate period. Jupiter in your Sun will help you start challenging projects and succeed. November is the month of business success for Cancer. You will manage all the complex tasks. But December will be a month of luck decline. We recommend taking advantage of the period from June to November.
Health, body, and emotions.
The beginning of the year will put extra stress on you. We recommend the people of this sign pay attention to their health and balance work and rest routine. Meditations, breathing exercises, and yoga will help to recreate the body and soul in stressful conditions.

Horoscope 2023


For Leo, the year 2023 opens new opportunities for long-planned startups. We recommend you take advantage of a chance and try your luck!

The 2023 year will be rich in adventures of all sorts. In February and November, your sign will get the protection of the planet Lilith. It is the planet of secret desires. It can favour your relations and ruin the existing relationships as well. This planet increases temptation.

The stars favour any start-ups at the beginning of the year. The best period for launching a new project is from January to May 2023. The second part of the year should be devoted to completing the starting options. November is the worst month for essential money decisions because they can lead to significant disappointment.
Health, body, and emotions.
Health, body, and emotions. You will feel exhausted and frustrated at the beginning of 2023. The stars recommend you avoid making crucial decisions. It would help if you devoted more time to rest and soul recreation. The transit of Lilith will also cause destructive impulsive behaviour. You need a clear mind and inner balance to cope with a potent upcoming temptation.
Personal relationships.
Venus comes to the sign of Leo in July and August, bringing in many romance and love events. The planet will add attractiveness in the eyes of potential partners. We recommend you take advantage of this period to harmonise your private life.

Horoscope 2023


For Virgo, 2023 can become a year of self-consciousness and self-knowledge. The year favours self-discovery and development. Your natal chart will help you make decisions.

Personal relationships. The best period for romance for Virgo is the fall. During fall months, Venus will pass through your zodiac sign, ensuring your success in all love aspects. This period is good for strengthening existing relations and for starting new ones.

We also recommend paying attention to the fact that your sign will also be affected by the planet of seduction, Lilith, in November. You will experience immense sexual temptation and can be easily carried away. But do not lose your mind!
The beginning of the year will give you an understanding of who you are, your goals, and your final destination. North Lunar Node will assist you in this aspect. The Moon will take a harmonious position and sharpen your intuition to find answers to complicated questions in your subconscious.

For Virgo, April is a good month for new beginnings. In the first three months of the year, the sign is led by Mars, which can hinder your undertakings. The summer is the best time for career undertakings. We also recommend starting a new business if you planned it long ago. It is a good time for you.
Health, body, and emotions. 2023 will be good for Virgo’s health. You will not get any serious diseases. If you want to gain stamina for your plan realisation, the stars recommend you get a regular check-up. You should balance your work, personal life, and rest. Pay much attention to mind and soul recovery.

Horoscope 2023


For Libra, 2023 will become a year of love and self-knowledge. It will help you discover your strengths and understand your weaknesses. You will also learn how to use your powers in your favour. Your natal chart will also be of great help in 2023.

Personal relationships. Personal relationships. Single Libra will meet their soulmates only by the end of the year. For those already in relationships, the 2023 year will be a period of strengthening and comfort. The most passionate and emotional months of the year are November and December. Use the beginning of the year for determination of yourself and your goals in life. It will help to choose the right person for you.
2023 is an active year full of challenging occasions and events. It would help if you had a relaxed mind and a clear plan to cope with astrological storms and reach success.

Unfortunately, in the first half of the year, the planet luck and success Jupiter will be in an opposite position to Libra, as well as four other crucial celestial objects (Pluto, Mercury, Venus, and the Sun). The turning point will be in February, and the period of raising luck will start. The best period for business and career is summer.

At the end of summer, your ambitions and goals will conflict. It will be due to the tense aspect of your sign provoked by the North Lunar Node passing through Aries. You can feel emptiness and devastation that can trigger new decisions.
Health, body, and emotions. 2023 may disbalance you physically and mentally if you overlook your health condition. The stress of the beginning of the year can hardly impact you. You will take every occasion too personally. We recommend paying great attention to periods of recreation.

Horoscope 2023


For Scorpio, 2023 will become a year of love and financial challenges. Your financial horoscope will help you to get through this year with minimal losses.

Personal relationships.
The planet of love, Venus, will favour your sign in May and December. These months will become the perfect time to meet a soulmate for a single Scorpio. The stars also recommend improving existing relations and taking them to the next level, like living together, marriage, or the birth of a child.

The summer of 2023 is the worst period for radical decisions in personal relations. June and July are months of potential conflicts, so we recommend searching for compromise whenever possible.
You will need to make a great decision at the beginning of the year. You can choose temptation or make a cool-minded decision. However, this will be a turning point in your career in 2023. The most difficult months for your career progress will be January, April, and May. Only strict control of emotions will help you to overcome all challenges. A good plan is a necessary condition for success in 2023.

However, in April and May, the sign of Scorpio will get under Mars’s protection. It will ensure success in a new business startup if you dare.
Health, body, and emotions.
The health of Scorpio will depend on the lifestyle. Your health will require extra attention in January, April, August, and September. During these months, you will experience specific energy and immune drops. As a result, you can get into depression. A short vacation will help eliminate the risk.

Horoscope 2023


2023 will pass under the protection of the planet of success Jupiter for Sagittarius. We recommend Sagittarius take advantage of this period. You can succeed in your career, money, and love. But be careful with your health.

Personal relationships.
April and May are full of romantic surprises, events, and dates. Your romantic potential will reach its peak in the middle of April. The following favourable period for love affairs will be early fall — September and October will bring in many warning events and meetings. In November, the Moon will oppose the Sun in your sign. You must suppress your emotions, which can become hot conflicts in existing relations.
The beginning of 2023 will be very tough, with many potential conflicts with colleagues and partners. The difficulties throughout January are facilitated by the opposition of the Moon to your sign. Prudent decisions will help to benefit in money aspects.

2023 for Sagittarius will be the year of self-knowledge as well. You will clearly understand yourself, your goals, and your way. With your patience, everything will get normalised. You will feel it once all the events align in your favour.
Health, body, and emotions. Your health will require extra attention from the second part of January to spring. The influence of Mars will result in potential injuries and illnesses. In late August, there is a high potential for physical and mental stress that may result in high blood pressure, fatigue, and headaches. Avoiding conflicts and additional contacts in this period will help to overcome anxiety with minimal impact on your health.

Horoscope 2024


Pluto guards 2024 for Capricorn. This is the planet of positive transformation and strength. The guard will offer you events that will turn your life radically. Please order a personal horoscope for the year to find out which way.

Personal relationships.

Venus will come in harmony with the Sun of Capricorn in the autumn of 2024. This period will be the most favourable for relations. It is a perfect period to open your heart to romance and let you dive into a passion.

At the start of the year, four celestial objects will pass through the sign of Capricorn. These are the Sun, Pluto, Mercury, and Venus. Use your natal charts to discover inner strengths and apply them correctly to overcome this challenging period.

The second part of the year, starting from June, will pass under the protection of Jupiter for your business. You will see the results of the invested efforts at the beginning of the year. An objective attitude toward different situations will help to avoid conflicts with colleagues and partners. October will require more attention to detail in your career. Due to Mercury’s influence, you will experience tension and misunderstandings with colleagues and partners.
Health, body, and emotions. The beginning of the year poses real threats to your joints and bones. Please, be attentive and careful. We strongly recommend limiting physical activity. Till the beginning of May, you can experience physical exhaustion and emptiness. A vacation will help to recharge and replenish your strength.

Horoscope 2023


In 2022, Saturn started its way through the sign of Aquarius. It influences the sign till now. Aquarians will need to take a new role in 2023. The entrance of Lilith, the planet of passion, into your sign can cause troubles that lead to reputation risks.

Personal relationships.
April will become the best month of the year to enjoy love and romance for Aquarius. Venus will come in opposition to your sign during midsummer. In this period, all new relations will be very complicated.
The start of 2023 is the best creative period for Aquarius. It is high time to realise your plans and ideas. You will feel enough energy, stamina, and motivation to reach your goals.

Late spring will also be a period of success due to two planets guarding Aquarius. These are Mercury and Uranus. We recommend using this period for the realisation of financial and career ambitions. In case of success, you will gain authority and popularity. But mind that Mars will provoke laziness. Do not get into a lazy trap!

The middle of summer is the worst period for expensive purchases or investments. Stars recommend postponing all critical financial solutions to the autumn of 2023. If there is no chance of delaying the event, pay extra attention to the deal’s details.
Health, body, and emotions.
At the beginning of 2023, Aquarius should watch the hormonal balance and endocrine system condition. March will be a period of mental overloading and stress. In June, you can experience emotional blackouts due to the positions of the Moon and Mercury. Adding vitamins during this period will help to overcome troubles.

Horoscope 2023


2023 will become a favourable period for creative realisation and new love affairs for Pisces. However, you need to be in the right place and at the right moment. Your intuition becomes vital and leads you through the year’s challenges.

Personal relationships.
Venus will visit your sign in February, bringing you luck in love affairs. Existing relationships will suffer in April, but everything will get right in May. The fall of 2023 is a perfect time for new acquaintances and dates.
Pisces feel the trends of the upcoming year. Listen to your intuition and make decisions. They will be correct. The year’s first half depends on you and your choices, as no celestial objects influence your sign.

In April, Mars will come to help you. Take the chance and try your luck. July is the best month for creativity and intellectual success due to the Sun and Mercury position. You will feel stronger and more energetic. The results that you get after your efforts may be disappointing in August. But the peak of your potential will be in late November. Use this period to discover new career opportunities.
Health, body, and emotions.
April is a month to pay attention to your psyche condition. Your body may lose energy. You may feel completely exhausted by that time. Doing nothing to your mental state will weaken your immune system and cause diseases in late autumn.